
tejp tal-fibreglass miksi ptfe

Benefits of PTFE Coated Fiberglass Tape

What is PTFE Coated Fiberglass Tape Developed from a woven fiberglass base that has been coated with PTFE, this tape provides an excellent sealing option for areas such as aerospace, utilities and chemical processing.

    Reżistenza għat-Temperatura Għolja

    Wonderful High Temperature Resistant Property - PTFE coated fiberglass tape is one of the many unique things about it. Made ​​a back with a resistance level of # 9 so as to withstand temperatures up to 500 degrees Fahrenehit, this tape kept completely through the heat for over about six weeks. This property also makes it a popular choice for other high-temperature heat insulation applications.

    Why choose VEIK ptfe coated fiberglass tape?

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