لا تقل مرشحات أكياس الغبار عن الأبطال الخارقين الذين ينقذوننا من القوى الشريرة للأوساخ والغبار في منازلنا. فهي لا تحافظ على مساحة معيشتنا نظيفة وصحية فحسب، بل تضمن أيضًا رفاهيتنا. دعنا نستكشف السبب كيس مرشح كيس الغبار جامع مرشح are so important, how to choose the perfect one for your vacuum cleaner to the amazing science of their work, the other advantages of using Dustin bag filters and some useful tricks to make them last.
while the larger waste remains on the lining. Eventually, as the أكياس الفلتر الصناعية عندما تمتلئ، يجب إخراجها واستبدالها. تعمل بعض الأكياس باستخدام تفريغ كهروستاتيكي لـ "التصاق" الغبار بها، مما يزيد من أدائها.
might cause it to lose performance and end up damaging it prematurely. You don’t have to empty the vacuum cleaner’s dust bin as regularly with a dust مرشح كيس، إما.
للحصول على أقصى استفادة من فلتر كيس الغبار VEIK، هناك بعض القواعد التي يجب عليك اتباعها. الأولى هي تغيير أكياس مرشح الأسمنت frequently. Changing it less frequently would lead to the bag becoming full and less efficient. Second, do not vacuum wet or damp garbage. Mold and mildew will start to develop inside the dust bag as a result.
على الرغم من كونها جزءًا صغيرًا نسبيًا من المكانس الكهربائية لدينا، فإن الدور الذي تلعبه مرشحات أكياس الغبار من VEIK في ضمان نظافة وصحة منازلنا مهم للغاية. اختيار مرشح أكياس الغبار بشكل صحيح كيس مرشح ptfe and employing it according to recommendations allows us to protect ourselves and our family members from the downsides of dust and dirt.
Our firm has been Dust bag filter. We have 10 dipping lines, 2 coating lines, and 5 PTFE architectural elastomer production lines. There are more than 10 sets of horizontal and vertical coating drying equipment, Germany Karl Mayer automatic high-speed warping machine, Dornier wide-width rapier and other equipment imported from abroad, annual production capacity reaches 1 million square meters.
Based on the principles of taking roots in the land and looking to the global markets, our products have been sold to more than 60 countries in Europe, America, Oceania, Dust bag filter, Asia Pacific, etc., which are widely used in food processing industry, constructions industry, automobile industry, photovoltaic/solar energy industry, packaging industry, PTFE sunshade curtains and other fields.
In the near future, VEIK will continue to maintain its business ethos of better quality, focus, professionalism, integrity. Dust bag filter to improve our products quality continually and provides exceptional service.
Our company has been dedicated to the idea of building century Veik and building national brands. Our company puts Dust bag filter. Our products have that have passed SGS, the national glass fiber product inspection and supervision, as well as the national fireproof material inspection and supervision. Veik is a high-tech company in Jiangsu province.